Catherine Heartwood

Helping You Heal Yourself

With over 30 years of experience in the healing arts learnt from teachers around the world,

her healing therapies range from deep healing sessions, yoga, meditations, breathwork, trauma release, herbalism, detox, Ayurveda, soul counselling and mentorship to teachings practices from many traditions.

Catherine found her life passion of sharing the possibilities of self healing at the young age of 16, when she cured her chronic skin condition with food. Following her own healing path to unwind scoliosis, she embodies her teachings with a deep inner sense of listening to the body’s innate wisdom and encourages  others to do so throughout all her sharings  

Through her practice of Kundalini Yoga which she immersed herself in at 18,  while completing her degree in Psychology with a dissertation on the integrated Eastern health models of mind, body and soul. This set her on her path to study with herbalists, healers, shamans and Wise Wemoon from around the world

In Hawaii at the age of 23, she spontaneously dry fasted for 6 weeks, and again with a water fast 5 years later in the jungles of Mexico. These experiences allowed her to touch upon a deep inner place of heightened awareness and in touch with her healing gifts

Incorporating many different modalities of healing therapies, becoming an Ayurveda Practitioner, and immersing in silence for long periods of time in ashrams in India, she integrated the western and eastern models in ways which offer ancient jewels together with modern science. She is inspired in sharing the  many powerful tools in ways where we all can make small everyday changes and empower ourselves towards greater health and well-being 

 Catherine is known for her compassionate nature with a wide and comprehensive understanding of the integrated mind -body -soul systems and is devoted to sharing these tools and empowering others to heal themselves.

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Our Detox Retreats

Mediterranean Retreats

Re-set your life with a supported fast & detox individually tailored to suit your bodys needs.

We provide both enema and full colon cleansing, detox shakes, herbal supplements for intestinal and blood cleansing, protocols for Candida, Parasites, Heavy Metals, Lymphatics and Liver – including the option for a full Liver Flush.  Immerse yourself in a healing environment with full support and guidance,  individual healing treatments, yoga, meditation, relaxation and nature.

Our Next Retreat

Healing  Holiday
Detox Programs in Ibiza 
 3 – 14 day Detox , Fasting
and Liver Flush programs.

17th September to October 6th, 2024

Therapies & Services


  • Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal massage
  • Karsai 
  • Emotional De-armoring
  • Somatic Trauma Release
  • Head, Neck, Jaw and Shoulders with Sinus 
  • Chakra Balancing
  • Heart Opening
  • Gua Sha & Toksen


  • Constitutional Health consultation
  • Ayurvedic guidelines and protocols 
  • Digestive Health
  • Self Care Therapies
  • Abhyanga massage
  • Marma treatment
  • Nasya treatment
  • Indian Head massage


  • Detox Programs tailored to You 
  • Fasting protocols
  • Liver Flush
  • Candida & Parasite Protocols
  • Weight loss
  • Lymphatic Cleanses
  • Brain Detox
  • Heavy metal chelation


  • Full body massage
  • Chi-Nei-Tsang
  • Reiki Initiations
  • Introduction to Ayurveda
  • Womens Toaist practices
  • Meditation and pranayama
  • Self Belly Massage
  • Gua Sha 

Remembrance Of Who We Truly Are..

Returning to our Inner Harmony of Heart and Soul!

To touch those forgotten places and dissolve tension patterns and beliefs which are causing dis-Comfort and dis-Ease, is a Privilege and a Gift that I Love to share with you.

'The Path of Healing is a rich inner relationship with Oneself, and sometimes, along the way, you meet someone who re-introduces lost aspects back to Oneself. Catherine is one of these Beings."

Individualising Each Session For Your Specific Needs

Treating You as a Whole Being

""Catherine is a deeply intuitive Healer,... her expertise is invaluable"

Chi Nei Tsang Abdominal Massage

Is a Taoist technique which focuses upon detoxing and stimulating the health of the internal organs and digestive system. It is a deeply profound session releasing subconscious unresolved issues in the organs that cause limiting ways of being and seeing life. Through the belly we can access the entire meridian system. Each organ has a sound frequency and an emotion.. the lungs and colon hold grief; the kidneys, fear; the liver, anger and resentment etc. allowing the belly to be a portal into the unconscious emotional health as well as the physical health of our Being a deep spaciousness in your Being, opening the diaphragm and expanding your breath in a sincere openness towards Life. Our navel represents the initial wound of separation from Oneness and through listening, breathing and softening the belly we are guided back to a profound oneness with Oneself Ideal for providing relief for all types of digestive issues – gas, bloating, discomfort, constipation, diarrhoea etc_  with particular benefits for women’s health.

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It is an optional extension of the Chi Nei Tsang where we deepen the breath and awareness into the pelvic floor. This opens up the root chakra issues of safety and groundedness, as well as working the pelvis in a calm and healing way to release sexual blockages and traumas.

Excellent for menstruation issues, releasing sexual trauma or for those wanting to bring more conscious awareness into one’s sexual organs.

“The Chi Nei Tsang and Karsai session with Catherine was beyond my experiences so far… I was completely in another world during and after the session. I could feel myself from the first time in these areas which have been so closed down for as long as I can remember. I now feel my lower belly, and feel my root area and my sexual vitality has awakened for me ! like i never had before ! A huge thank you “

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Somatic Trauma Release

The body holds our stress and traumas, causing us a higher emotional reactivity, chronic stress, anxiety and sleep issues. This session activates a tremor mechanism that  literally shakes off and releases everyday stress or old layers of trauma without having to talk it out, relive or remember it. Developed for PTSD therapy for the USA army, this simple lying down practice brings deep relaxation, a sense of calm  and balance. A powerful therapy which you can also learn to do by yourself for long term benefits. Good to combine with Cranio-Sacral therapy for stabilising the new neural pathways.

Best to wear comfortable loose or stretch pants

Ideal for dissipating chronic stress and emotional reactivity

I found Catherine one of the few healers who really understood what an activated nervous system could bring in one’s life. For me was extremely important because she offered me tools and rituals that were suitable for my needs. Therefore I felt seen and heard in a constructive manner, with a special softness and kindness, attributes that I found to describe so well Catherine’s vibe.

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Emotional De-Armoring

A combination of deep physical massage, fascia release and energy work on specific problem areas of your body. This session releases negative emotional and mental patterns that are holding tension and pain in the body. Guiding words are spoken to release those patterns, giving insight to the underlying themes.

When we are triggered or closed-off emotionally, it’s usually because we have old wounds which we are hyper protective of. This work allows those shadow areas of our psyche to be touched, cellularly heard, honoured and released so we can move forward in life without being bound by reoccurring self–destructive patterns.

“As someone with such radical empathy it’s difficult to put into words the gateways she has opened to my own body…”  

Ideal for chronic pain that seems impossible to shift with just physical work 

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Head, Neck, Jaw, Shoulders and Sinus Therapy

 Releasing tensions in this often afflicted area of the body, with a variety of speciality techniques, to open the multi-faceted layers of tensions and blockages, so the tissues may return to their natural equilibrium. 

We work with the muscles, tendons, fascia, lymph and sinus, and you may choose to include Nasya in which warm oil is gently dropped into the nose to either soothe or cleanse the sinus. In Ayurveda, the sinus’s hold the key to accessing emotional memories so we can release them and breath fully  into trusting Life again 

“… it was amazing. I didn’t even know how limited my breathing was until she released it“

Ideal for headaches, migraines, TMJ, sinus, throat and ear issues, memory issues, swollen face or bags under the eyes, stress and of course pain in this upper body area 

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Heart Opening

Feeling the Great Love we have for Ourselves and our world is a Precious Treasure. 

“When we feel we are drowning under the pressure of the mundane, this is like coming out from under water –  a huge  breath of fresh air.”

Here we combine touch, breath and guided visualisation to journey to a place beyond the protective walls of our heart, returning us to our original Authentic Soul level of being and reclaiming our Sovereignty. This allows us to see our situation in perspective beyond our current limited perception, to redirect cords of negativity which leak our energy, and replace burdens and pain in the heart with renewed positivity, courage and gratitude. The changes in one’s life that forgiveness brings are nothing short of a miracle as it frees us from manifesting more of the same dynamics and patterns.

Ideal for relieving challenging issues and dynamics within oneself and with others

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Soul Reflections

 Inner awareness tools to help navigate challenging times, and gentle guidance as a sounding board for discovering Oneself. It’s essential to be able to navigate the inner worlds skillfully as situations arise. These simple tools can be applied even while we are around people to  help regulate our nervous system, bringing us to a place of calm and groundedness and are tailored to work specifically for your needs as an individual  

. Her knowledge, understanding and energy provided me the space to do the work.” As someone with such radical empathy it’s difficult to put into words the gateways she has opened to my own body…”

“She generously offers all the tools one needs to find your own way. It is a combination of inexplicable magic and daily practices that will change your life.”

Ideal for reducing stress, anxiety and worry. For those who want to really learn how to manage stress and reactivity, and develop inner awareness to manage their energy body in healthy ways. Essential  for sensitive people to maintain their balance in the modern world

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Ayurveda Consultations

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

Ayurveda is the traditional medical system of India, and harmonious with  Yogic philosophies. It is a holistic health practice that allows you to understand your own personal elemental strengths and weaknesses and to balance your own inner eco-system. Ayurveda is an inter-related model of mind-body-spirit and looks at the root causes of health issues Diagnosing through pulse, tongue, body type and specific health concerns, a consultation will help you understand how to balance your Dosha (Vata/Pitta/Kapha). 

Ayurveda understands that what is medicine to one may be poison to another. Within this perspective you will find what is most healing for you through foods,herbal remedies, home treatments, specific lifestyle adjustments for optimum health and  holistic practicessuch as specific hatha yoga asana, pranayama or chakra meditation for your emotional, mental and physical well-being. Ideal for understanding one’s own health with its unique constitution, giving you key insights and guiding principles for making wise choices towards health and inner equilibrium

Understanding your own Elemental Balancing

Empowering You To Heal Yourself

'... she holds a wealth of knowledge that comes from lived experience through her own body, as well as a combination of ancient practices and scientifically proven methods."

Marma Massage

Marma Massage is individualised, determined by a pulse reading on arrival, and is gentle massage and energy treatment to balance the elements in your body. The 7 Chakras are the most significant of the 108 marmas, which are considered the portals or gateways where Body, Mind, Emotions & Soul may be accessed, thereby harmonising the often apposing aspects of Self. This is a highly soothing therapy and may be performed with clothes on or off.

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Abhyanga Massage

Abhyanga Massage is the classical soothing rhythmic Ayurvedic full body massage which uses herbal oil to deeply nourish the skin and calm the senses. Warm herbal compresses are then pressed all over the body to allow for deeper penetration of the medicted oil into the body and for further relaxation and enjoyment. This therapy will bring a deep sense of calm and nourishment and excellent for relieveing stress and improving the quality of your sleep.

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Ayurvedic Nasya

Ayurvedic Nasya treatment is ideal for asthma, sinus issues, snoring, throat conditions, tightness in the throat, neck, jaw (TMJ) and shoulders. Herbal oils are inserted into the nostrils, cleansing and nourishing the delicate and often irritated nasal passageways whilst receiving a massage of the neck, throat, head, shoulders and face, to relieve congestion in lymph and to improve circulation. This treatment is best to be repeated a few times to clear deep issues, and can be performed at home by yourself.

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Indian Head Massage

Indian Head Massage is traditionally a seated massage in which the head and hair are dowsed in richly herbalised organic oils. The scalp is an area of the body which is often neglected and can hold a lot of tension affecting the face, jaw, neck and shoulders. This highly invigorating and yet calming massage of the scalp, neck, jaw, face and shoulders, will leave you feeling refreshed; that a burden has been lifted from your mind and with a noticeable release of tension in the head area. Ayurveda sees the mind as the great controller of our health, so when we lighten the mind, we can lighten our life and our over all health – Indian head massage does just this.

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Our Recommended Herbal Supplements

Living Wisdom Ayurveda is dedicated to Empowering You To Heal Yourself through offering Herbal Remedies, Herbal Supplements, Home Therapies and Tools for Healing from both the Traditional Indian and Complimentary Western systems of health. Follow the link below for Products and home remedies

Detox : Home Programs

Encouraging you on your own self empowered process ...

In today’s polluted world, we need to seriously consider detoxing regularly. So much of today’s chronic and neuro-degenerative illness stems from an overload of toxins in the body.

It is important to understand and choose amongst the many varieties of cleansing to suit specific issues and life situations. Guidance is given regarding which cleanse is best suited to you and all the steps and support necessary for it to be effective.

A Consultation allows us to choice the most suitable program for you, individusalised for your specific health targets 

Enroll in a supported Home Program with intake, inspirational daily guidance, supplies and fully supported step-by-step Detox and /or Fasting Protocols.  Options for Weight loss, Liver Flush, Lymphatics, Heavy Metals, Parasites and Candida, Pineal/ Pituitary  etc 

Detox Testimonials

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Our Courses

Empowering You To Heal Yourself 

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Full Body Massage for Friends

It is so lovely to receive massages, and what better than to learn with a friend or lover, to be able to share regular massage trades in your life, for fun and relaxation. Learn the basics of full body massage in a enjoyable personal course. (12 hours : 1300Euro )

Self Belly Massage

Digestive issues bother many people and can cause major problems if left untreated. This abdominal Taoist self care massage shows you how to work your own liver, gallbladder, kidneys, small and large intestines, heart, lungs and sexual organs. Excellent for self healing issues of gas, bloating, constipation, IBS and menstrual problems 

Self belly massage Class ( 2 hours: 250/125 euro for individual/group class)

Chi Nei Tsang Training  ( 15- 18 hours : 1500 euros) –

Reiki Course & Initiations

Reiki is high vibrational subtle energy work. Reiki can be a life changing event, it certainly was for me, and is always a delight for me to share the beauty and healing powers of the subtle realms. Learning to call in the specific healing ray of the Reiki to give hands on healings to friends, pets and oneself. (6 hours : 750/ 300 euros for individual /group )

Understanding Ayurveda

Theory and practical self care classes are available on request of topic such as : understanding your Dosha, Daily routines, Digestive health from Ayurvedic perspective, Self Care therapies, such as how to perform your own neti, nasya, oil pulling, tongue scraping,abhyanga lymphatic massage, basti, oleation etc ( 5  hours course  400 euros)

Taoist Practises for Women

Ancient techniques which allow us to move energy around our body consciously. Famous for its sexual practises and the Jade Egg exercises for women to promote overall vitality and health, as well as strengthen the libido. You will learn techniques from Chi Gung,  visualisation meditation, breathwork, and specific Taoist practices for Wemen    (3 hour class : 350 chf )

Reclaim Your Life

Remembering… and Embrace your Path of Healing back to Your Self

Guided medicine assisted therapies

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living

Meditation for stress relief ; Pranayama, yogic breathing techniques for relaxation and regenerating ; Toaist practices for Vitality and so much more…

Establish Self Love through Self Care

Simple Home Therapies to embody the wisdom of  Ayurveda.

Connect with Catherine

For more information, connect with me through the form below, my Whatapp or email

Get In Touch Today

Catherine Heartwood

Switzerland / UK

WhatApp: +41 (0)76 5598517

© Living Wisdom Life 2024